The human spirit must prevail over technology.- Albert Einstein

Everyone should value the use of technology. I've come to realize how simple it is to learn details about me and have them used against me. Additionally, I learnt to stay alert for online bullying. Others may be hurt by what we say. I've grown more conscious of the destruction that cyberbullying causes. Finally, I want to act responsibly online. We do not need the Internet to split us apart and destroy us now more than ever. We require healing more than ever right now. Adolescent students are engaged when practicing good digital citizenship, which teaches them how to use technology to connect with one another, empathize with one another, and forge long-lasting bonds. On the other hand, bad digital citizenship includes things like online harassment, careless social media use, and a general ignorance of safe Internet usage practices. Thankfully, almost every requirement for being a good digital citizen can be taught in a classroom.

Technology should improve your life not become your life.

The citizenship of the "Internet Age" is known as digital citizenship. It simply refers to people who efficiently & frequently use the internet. Digital citizenship may start when a kid, adolescent, or adult registers for an email address, publishes photos online, utilizes e-commerce to make purchases online, or engages in any other electronic activity, but the process goes beyond basic Internet usage. The ability to engage in responsible and safe online learning, communication, and collaboration is crucial in the twenty-first century. People must therefore be aware of or consider the effects of their online activities while they are so close to technology.
