Bad Genius Analysis


Bad Genius is a Thai film that explores the pressure students face to succeed in school and the value of creativity while following a high school student who gets involved in a cheating scheme to help her friends.

The four main characters in the movie Bad Genius are different in the following ways: 

Lynn is the main character of the movie and is a high school student who is incredibly intelligent. She is different from the other characters because she is not a bad genius - she is a good person who is forced into cheating on exams to help her friend who cannot afford to pay tuition fees. She is determined to do the right thing and uses her intelligence to come up with elaborate cheating schemes.

 Bank is Lynn's classmate and a bad genius. He is different from the other characters because he is not motivated by power or control - he simply wants to use his intelligence to make money. He is a skilled hacker and is able to create fake IDs, websites, and even a fake exam center to help Lynn cheat on her exams.


Grace is a new student at Lynn's school and is also a bad genius. She is different from the other characters because she is more interested in the challenge of cheating than the money or power that comes with it. She is an artist and uses her creativity to come up with new cheating methods.

Pat is Lynn's childhood friend and is also a bad genius. He is different from the other characters because he is more interested in partying and having fun than using his intelligence for any particular purpose. He is a skilled DJ and uses his music to distract the teachers during exams.

 Overall, the four main characters in Bad Genius are all bad geniuses, but they have different motivations and personalities that make them unique.

What are your thoughts on the movie “Bad Genius” in terms of;

The school as learning institution

The movie Bad Genius highlights the pressure that students face to succeed in school and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve success. The school in the movie is portrayed as a place that values grades and test scores above all else, which creates a culture of competition and cheating. The movie shows how the school system can be flawed and unfair, particularly for students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Lynn, the main character, is forced to cheat on exams to help her friend who cannot afford to pay tuition fees, which raises questions about the accessibility of education for all students. The movie critiques the education system for its focus on rote memorization and regurgitation of information, rather than critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The cheating schemes that Lynn and her friends come up with require creativity and ingenuity, which are not typically valued in traditional education. the movie Bad Genius raises important questions about the role of schools as learning institutions and the pressures that students face to succeed academically. It highlights the need for a more equitable and inclusive education system that values creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

The teacher as leaders in Educational Technology

The Bad Genius, the teacher is portrayed as an authority figure who is focused solely on enforcing the rules and punishing students who cheat. The teacher does not seem to be interested in teaching or helping students learn, but rather in maintaining order and preserving the integrity of the school's reputation. The teacher's lack of engagement with students and their learning needs is contrasted with the students' use of technology to create elaborate cheating schemes. The students in the movie use their knowledge of technology to create fake IDs, websites, and even a fake exam center, which highlights the potential for technology to be used for both positive and negative purposes in education. The movie also raises questions about the role of technology in education and the extent to which it can be used to enhance learning. While the students in the movie use technology to cheat, there is also potential for technology to be used to facilitate learning and make education more accessible and engaging for students. the movie Bad Genius highlights the need for teachers to be more engaged with their students and to create learning environments that foster creativity and critical thinking. It also raises important questions about the role of technology in education and the need for a more nuanced approach to its use in the classroom.

The values of student in school

The movie Bad Genius highlights the immense pressure that students face to succeed in school and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve success. The movie shows how the education system can be flawed and unfair, particularly for students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Lynn, the main character, is forced to cheat on exams to help her friend who cannot afford to pay tuition fees, which raises questions about the accessibility of education for all students. The movie also critiques the education system for its focus on grades and test scores above all else, which can create a culture of competition and cheating. This can lead to students feeling undervalued and unappreciated for their unique talents and abilities. The movie also demonstrates the value of students and their creativity and ingenuity. The cheating schemes that Lynn and her friends come up with require a high level of intelligence and problem-solving skills, which are not typically valued in traditional education. The movie suggests that students have much to offer beyond their ability to memorize and regurgitate information, and that their skills and abilities should be recognized and appreciated. The movie Bad Genius highlights the need for a more equitable and inclusive education system that values the unique talents and abilities of all students and provides equal opportunities for success regardless of socio-economic background.
